Ben offers a range of consultancy opportunities to help develop teachers and leaders.
Teacher Coaching
Ben works with teachers to identify and plan actions for identified professional development priorities using a coaching approach to build confidence, expertise and personal agency.
Staff Workshop
Ben leads collaborative and interactive whole staff workshops on a range of topics relating to classroom teaching, collaboration, group learning the development of professional judgement.
Training Materials
Ben can work with you to develop bespoke online materials to meet your staff professional development needs. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss this further.
Developing Leaders
Ben supports middle and senior leaders in a range of areas, including decision making, process and system development, values and culture.
Consultancy Topics
Judgement-orientated models of leader development
Developing judgement in middle leaders
Developing teacher professional judgement and critical decision-making
Understanding classrooms and schools as complex systems
Classroom organisation and ‘systems thinking’ about classroom management
Mentoring novice teachers
Teachers becoming researchers
Smartphones and school policy
International education partnerships
“Ben’s work on professional judgement has been timely and extremely useful to the school and trust leaders we work with”
Shonogh Pilgrim,
CEO of Whole Education